Site selection and inspections

Secure exclusive location advantages

Our dedicated team is on hand to guide you through the entire site selection process. We are already available to you in the analysis and planning phase to develop customised solutions for your individual requirements. We organise site visits for you so that you can experience the potential and advantages of the various locations in Hamburg at first hand.

Büroimmobilien in Hamburg: Hamburg Invest unterstützt bei der Analyse des optimalen Standortes

Consultancy and analysis

We offer sound advice and support you in analysing your requirements in order to identify the optimum location for your company.

Zur Standortauswahl gehört auch die Besichtigung von Büroflächen

Organisation of tours

We arrange and accompany you on site visits to give you a comprehensive insight into the local conditions, infrastructure and opportunities.

We can help you select a location and organise viewings.


Stefan Matz

Division management
+49 (0)40 - 22 70 19 - 14

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